Monday, November 1, 2010

the goal

They say that when you want something you have to visualize it.  With weight you have to see yourself where you want to cant think when I lose 5 pounds this is how I will feel. You have to see yourself already 5 pounds lighter now!!  Think about how you feel!

When I was training for my half marathon, when I hit 15km that was my wall.  This was the hardest Km of my life...I just kept visualizing the finish line and the feeling of what it would feel like to cross it!  Before I knew it the km was done!

With weight think about yourself in those jeans you wanted to buy but never thought you could fit into.. how do you feel, how do they feel..

We need to pick something that is our goal and visualize it everyday.  You can put notes about in around your house, in your car, around work whenever you will see them to keep you motivated.

Be the change you want to be!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

today is the start!!

Well this is my first blog I have ever done and I am using it more as a place where I can come and clear my head...and if anyone decides to read then great!

I have recently had a baby 4 months ago and I am working on losing the extra pounds I gained with the pregancy.  I have always been slim my whole life up till 1999, when I GAINED 60 pounds in 6 months!! I know!!!  I lost that and then got married had our first child and lost all the weight again plus 20 more...I was running like crazy, working out, eating healthy and treating my body like a temple!!! I was in the best shape of my life!!

I know what it takes to lose weight and how you have to be thinking mentally and also what you need to do physically...but let me tell you  it doesn't make it any easier!