Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Control....what a strong word.  There are so many areas in my life that we have no control over.  I believe that everything happens for a reason and what is meant to be will be.  The one area that I believe we all have control of is how treat our bodies.

I know that it has been awhile since I have written but I have been busy pushing my body...I trained and completed a half marathon.  Have tried new fitness regims and have struggle with the last of the baby weight.  I have read a ton, learnt alot and also have meant some really great people.

I seek advice from all sorts.. Runners, Walkers, Mothers, Friends and who ever else will listen and give advice. I have come to relieze in the last month that with regards to Eating I know what needs to be done and what my body likes and dislikes.

Now back to Control...No matter what is happening in our lives we can control how we treat our bodies..If it is the last 10 pounds you want to lose...you can control what goes in your mouth...

If you want to be in tip top shape then you can be in Control of when we work out...If it is that important to you, we will stop making excuses and just do it.

The biggest thing that I have done this month to be in  Control of how I feel..at the moment not too great as my Thyroid is acting up but am elimanating certain foods and that seems to be helping.  For me my mood is always determined by the scale.  I have given the scale up...I know I am working out and fueling  my body 80% of the time with good stuff.  I am in Control, not the scale.

My husband doesn't understand why I am so obsessed with the scale...I told him it must be a girl thing...I am not sure why I always felt like I needed to be defined by a number..I know how my pants feel and I feel good..I am in Control.


  1. I am so PROUD of you for ditching the scale, for not letting it control you...your right Kelly...your a strong, fit, healthy, and dare I say SEXY woman and you don't need the scale to tell you that. Now shout it out girl ...I AM FIT AND HEAR ME ROAR!!!!!!

  2. The scale is not welcome at my house for sure :) great post Kelly!
