Wednesday, December 7, 2011

recap of November

The month of November was all about finding what I want to do on my journey next.  I am writing this out for the first time...I am going to run a marathon in 2012. I know I have told a few people that I would really like to do this but I was struggling with how I can log the miles, do other exercises, have time for family and also every other day to day life.

I have loved the month of November it was great! I have found something that gives me the same feeling that running gives me! You guessed it Yoga! I love it!! I went 16 times in a month!! 12 times to Hot Yoga and 4 times regular Yoga! I am hooked! 

The thing with Yoga is I have found balanced! I have found balance in myself, it makes me feel very in control and clear! I can see that this translates into better workouts at home..Yes Suzie, I have been working out as well!lol! I find that my body is stronger and leaner. 

Back to Balance, with Yoga I have been able to do something I really enjoy and it is not interfering with my family life. I am able to put the kids to bed and then head out the door and enjoy the heat.  It is perfect.

With running a marathon, it is something that I want to do but am concerned about the time commitment and how I can handle all of this..I ran different scenarios in my mind and then came up with the one that works best.  I am going to have to run on a treadmill.. I can't believe I am saying this as I find this so boring and it is definitely not the same as running outside but it is what's going to work best.

Since we live where there are no streetlights I will do my short runs at night outside..but for the longer runs i will be running on the treadmill when the kids are in bed. I need to do this for me and also so that when I am running I am not worrying about guilt of not being with my family etc. Don't get me wrong my hubster is a great Dad and supports me 100% .

Now the thing was I was going to run the marathon in the fall but the one I wanted to do is only a half, so now I think that I will be running it in May!! My training will be starting sooner then later!

Any suggestions on how to pass time quickly on a treadmill please let me know!!

I am going to be able to be part of the club!! Yahoo!!

1 comment:

  1. I so hear you....I still get the tummy butterflies when I say outloud that I will plan...I mean a marathon in May :) And like you I am worried about when to find the time to log that distance...and will be using the DREADMILL...I plan on downloading podcasts to listen to...and maybe some kind of audio book...nothing a good vampire can't fix :)

