Monday, November 7, 2011

Moksha Yoga

Months ago I drove by the location for the new Moska Yoga in Stittsville and thought I would really like to try that. I find the whole Yoga thing very intimidating to me so I pushed the thought to the back of my mind.

In the past two months I have been seeing some status updates from some  really cool gals that I have met, and they talking about how wonderful Moska is and what a great time they all have had.  Still I didn't bite.

Last Week I was having a PT workout with my gal Exer Susie and during the workout she told me that she got a job there and that it is a wonderful place to go and I would feel excellent at the end.  I waddled out of my workout and really thought about it. I decided that I would go for it and try it on Sunday.

Sunday came and I was kinda nervous, I felt like I was entering the " Yoga Club" was kinda how I felt about the " Runners Club" before I became a runner.  I thought that everyone would be a poster child for lululemon. I thought that everyone would be in tip top shape and all be in the latest wear etc. I got into the change room and hung up my coat and to the left of me was a 65 year old women.  I thought well if she can do this I can too:).

After hanging up my stuff I grab my mat and water bottle and walked into the room.  Wow a huge wave of heat hit me in the face.  I scanned the room and found my little lady ( the 65 year old) and put my mat down and did what everyone else was doing.  I layed down... I breathed and my mind wandered...I tried to get it to stay focused but no it wouldn't.  I layed there and watch the people come in and then the teacher walked we go!!

We started and it was awesome!!  I couldn't believe that I was doing this.  I was really enjoying it.  The sweat was dripping. At one point I couldn't even grasp my hands as they were so prune like.  I know my poses weren't the best. I know that they will get better and I will keep going.

At one point panic set in. I was trying to concentrate on the poses and then forgot about my breathing. I became over heated  and thought I CANNOT DO THIS.  I stopped and started to breathe
and I actually started to cool down, and then continued on with my poses.  WOW

My eagle pose was not very good lol!! I didn't look like I was a strong eagle more like a pigeon. On a  high note I have a great dancer pose!! I guess those dance classes paid off when I was a little girl!

The teacher gave me a few pointers and I think on a whole I did well. I know one thing for sure! I loved it, the heat felt amazing, and I felt light and free!!!

I have to say that I think I had it all wrong about the " Yoga Club".  Anyone is welcome no matter what shape and size. Doesn't matter what you wear or don't wear and it is not about what you can do or cant do as long as you try and move".  Wow same as my Runner's Club!!

So Katie, Laura Susie and Kathy thanks for all the tips and for telling me I would love it!!

I left and looked down at my hands and they looked like a raisin...Remember the California Raisins from the 80s?  That was me!


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